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Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs

A one-year joint Master programme by CIFE and the School of Government of Luiss Guido Carli. 

The Master is focused on how to assess, manage and enhance private and public institutions’ governance with a wide range of economic and digital intelligence tools.
The programme is taught by renowned researchers and experienced professionals who combine second to none practical expertise and academic credentials. It combines on-site teaching, case studies, consulting missions, research thesis and distant learning tools.

Teaching Language: English
Study Destinations: Rome, Berlin, Nice
Duration: A one-year programme from October to July
Credits: 60 ECTS

Applied Research - Contributing Partners

Students are expected to actively participate in applied research studies provided by our contributing partners. To complement their studies, motivated graduates may apply for traineeships in these global institutions.

Contributing Partners of the programme:
• OECD in Paris
• Potsdam Institute in Advanced Sustainability Studies
• Secretariat of the Euromed City Network in Nice
• Sustainable Finance Geneva
• Swiss Philanthropy Foundation in Geneva
• United Nations Conventions on Desertification in Bonn

Entry Requirements & How to Apply

For students who have completed their undergraduate studies
Good knowledge of English required

Tuition fees: 11,000 € 

Application deadline with "Early Bird" (10% discount): 31 March 2025

For more information contact




Overview of the Academic Year

Live in Rome, Berlin and Nice and learn how, today more than ever, Governance is a game changer in the global economy.

The Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) is a one-year programme that takes place in three different cities:

October to January: Rome (Italy)
The programme starts in Rome, on the campus of Luiss School of Government. Courses will give an introduction to Global Governance, focusing on the context and challenges of economic governance and policy in the 21st century.

February to April: Berlin (Germany)
The programme continues in Berlin, in the CIFE premises. Teaching will be concentrating on new forms of transnational and interregional governance as a way forward towards Sustainable Development in the context of major climate and demographic changes.

Studying in Berlin, one of the most dynamic and inspiring cities of the 21st Century, helps students to analyse how institutions, corporations, foundations and research centres are preparing the transition towards climate and demographic changes through innovative economic, social and environmental initiatives. Courses will discuss topics such as energy transition and sustainable finance. Case studies will review public-private partnership and innovative governance to ensure sustainable development.

April to July: Nice (France)
Courses conclude in Nice, in CIFE's main premises. A special focus will be laid on Policy Intelligence, inciting participants to investigate how far the digital society enables transforming economic data into policy knowledge. As part of their academic requirements, students will complete a final Master thesis.

Studying in Nice recognised as one of the most advanced Smart Cities helps students to analyse how the digital economy big data and cybergovernance enable innovative policy-making and the construction of polycentric governance networks at global and local levels. Courses will discuss digital and cybergovernance, the use of big data and risk management in public policies. Case studies will be dealing with smart policies and their challenges (e.g. transport, water, digital data).


Programme Structure & Learning Outcomes

Stretching over one academic year the programme is structured into four modules.
Throughout the whole curriculum in Rome, Berlin and Nice students will participate in networking meetings with national and international government officials, private sector representatives and leading academics organised by Luiss School of Government in Rome and by CIFE in Berlin and Nice.

1. Global Governance at Luiss School of Government in Rome
Learn the context and challenges of economic governance and policy in the 21st century while attending the following courses: 
• Democracy and Global Governance: conceptual and methodological issues
• Global politics: power shifts in an age of globalisation
• Statistics for international public affairs
• The political economy of the Eurocrisis

2. Sustainable Development, the Way Forward? at CIFE in Berlin
Study new forms of transnational and interregional governance as a way forward towards sustainable development in the context of major climate and demographic changes by completing the following courses: 
• Transnational Innovation
• Global and Local Regulation
• Interregional innovation

3. Policy Intelligence at CIFE in Nice
Investigate how far the digital society enables transforming economic data into policy knowledge by studying: 
• Cybergovernance
• Economic Indicators
• Global Risk Management

4. Applied Research Methodology, case studies, simulation exercises and skills workshops throughout the whole curriculum in Rome, Berlin and Nice

Degree & Title 

At the end of the programme, the participants will obtain:

Digital and sustainable economy-relevant curriculum
Experiencing the digital economy in a global interdependent world and developing the analytical expertise necessary to govern economic institutions that strengthen individual opportunity, social cohesion and environmental stability.

Experts' applied research feedback
Building their skills on mastering governance towards sustainable economic development with a hands-on master thesis mentored by CIFE and LUISS experts as well as other seasoned policy leaders.

Global alumni and network community
Connecting with CIFE's and Luiss's network of policy makers and diplomats while also accessing exclusive project opportunities in European and international institutions.

Graduates receive three certifications:
- Two diplomas for the Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Policy Affairs (GEGPA) (one issued by CIFE and the other by Luiss), certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS at Master level.
- The degree qualification "Policy Officer in European and International organisations" (level 7 EQF), recognised by the French state.




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