Higher Education Institutions and Sustainable Development
What Universities (Can) Do
The event series CIFE Talks SDGs raises awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) established by the United Nations (UN) in 2015 and offers a forum to discuss their implementation. Every semester, CIFE will dedicate three public events to one particular SDG and explore its connection to current EU policies and initiatives. The event series is mainly targeted at students and young adults as they are the ones most concerned about urgent global challenges.
The kick-off-event focuses on SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals. It examines the ways how universities and higher education institutions can cooperate on sustainability issues and implement green strategies within their own institutional structures.
This first event of the series will take place on 3 November 2021 from 6 to 7.30 pm in a hybrid format: Registered participants will join the event online; a limited number of participants will be able to join the event in person.
Dr Susann Heinecke
Susann Heinecke is Programme Director of the Master of Advanced European and International Studies – European Policy and Governance – Trilingual Studies at CIFE. She will moderate the debate of the Kick-off event.
List of Speakers
Prof. Dr Iris Borowy, Shanghai University, Center for the History of Global Development, Shanghai
Iris Borowy is Distinguished Professor at and Director of the Center for the History of Global Development at Shanghai University. She was educated at the Universities of Tübingen, Germany, and of Maryland at College Park, USA. Her research has addressed the history of international health and environment organisations as well as development concepts. Her publications include Coming to Terms with World Health. The League of Nations Health Organisation (2009), Defining Sustainable Development for Our Common Future, a history of the Brundtland Commission (2014) and History of the Future of Economic Growth (2017), co-edited with Matthias Schmelzer.
Dr Arnaud Leconte, Centre international de formation européenne, Nice
Arnaud Leconte is Academic Programme Director in charge of the Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs and the Joint Master in EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy, both organised by CIFE together with the LUISS School of Government, Rome. He teaches sustainable economics and finance and works together with different European (European Commission, Parliament, Council of Ministers) and international institutions (OECD, World Bank, UNFCC, UNCCD), think tanks, foundations and NGOs in the governance of sustainable development. He holds a PhD in economics, an MBA from the University of Sankt Gallen (Switzerland), and a Post-Master degree from the College of Europe in Bruges.
Dr Shabal Mayanja, GIZ Higher Education for Development, Bonn
Shaban Mayanja is a policy advisor in the Education Sector Programme in charge of the recently established Servicepoint Higher Education for Development at the GIZ in Bonn. Prior to that he coordinated the European Universities Alliance Initiative at Paderborn University. He was deployed as a DAAD lecturer at the Obafemi Awolowo University in Nigeria and at the University of Nairobi in Kenya where he was the coordinator of a DAAD funded regional German Masters Programme. He also lectured at the Universities of Vienna and Bayreuth. He is a certified translator and interpreter and has supervised many postgraduate students. His research interests include Translation Studies, Intercultural German Studies and African Literature. He obtained his PhD in Intercultural German Studies with a focus on translation at the Leibniz University Hanover.
Dr Patrick Muthengi Maluki, University of Nairobi
Patrick Maluki is co-chair of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Kenya, chairman of the Diplomacy Scholars Association of Kenya (DIPSAK), and Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies of the University of Nairobi. Dr Maluki is an experienced trainer and researcher in international conflict management, strategic planning, international negotiation and mediation, international political economy, diplomacy, human rights and governance, and peace building issues. He has carried out academic research and published extensively, in particular on questions of radicalisation and violent extremism. Currently, he is implementing sustainable development solutions in Kenya under the Sustainable Development Solutions Network - Kenya Chapter.
Dr Catherine Morris, University of Kent, Canterbury
Catherine Morris is an experienced sustainability professional within Higher Education with over 12 years of experience in leading change and delivering impactful and engagement sustainability projects on the ground. As Environmental Adviser for the University of Kent she is responsible for the development and implementation of an institution-wide sustainability strategy, and the operation and certification of the University's Environmental Management System to ISO14001. Previously, she worked as project advisor on water efficiency at the University of Liverpool and as an Assistant researcher on irrigation wetting patterns at the University of Nottingham. She holds a PhD in Soil Water Flow.