Dr. Michael MEIMETH, Director of CIFE´s Overseas University Programs (OUP) visited China from March 8 to March 17, 2017 to introduce CIFE to major Chinese universities in Shanghai and Kunming (Yunnan Province, Southwest China). During his 10 day stay in China he visited the Shanghai University of Science and Technology (USST), the East China University of Political Science and Law (ECUPL), Shanghai, the Shanghai University and the Yunnan University in Kunming to promote CIFE´s EU-China Winter and Summer School programs. All these universities showed a strong interest in developing institutionalized relationship with CIFE and will actively promote CIFE´s EU-China Winter and Summer School programs at their various university campus. Even more important, Chinese students who have already participated in previous years in CIFE´s EU-China Summer and Winter programs will spread the information about these programs among their fellow Chinese students. With this, these „alumnis“ will actively support the recruitment for 2017 EU-China Summer School in Greece (15.07.-05.08.2017) and the 2018 EU-China Winter School which will take place from January 30 to February 13, 2018 at the European Academy Otzenhausen (EAO).
CIFE is very glad to welcome the Chinese students for both of these prestiguous CIFE European Studies Abroad Programs!