Programmes internationaux pour la Jeunesse
Le CIFE coopère avec différentes institutions afin de rassembler les jeunes d'Europe, au sens large, pour discuter et aborder les questions qui comptent pour eux et pour surmonter les barrières et les frontières qui peuvent exister. Pour cela, le CIFE reçoit entre autres le soutien de l'Office Franco-Allemand pour la Jeunesse (OFAJ/DFJW), du Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO).

Friendship between Enemies - One Film, Three different perspectives - 2024/2025
Echanges sur des récits personnels et collectifs sur l'histoire européenne, rédaction d'un script, écriture, tournage, visionnage d'archives, et montage d'un court-métrage.
Trois séminaires organisés par Du coin de l'œil (Paris, France), le Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE Nice/Berlin) et Zavod Kinokašča / Cinemattic (Nova Gorica, Slovénie) et soutenu par l'Office franco-allemand pour la jeunesse.
Le premier atelier a eu lieu du 14 au 20 juillet 2024 à Berlin, le second à Issoudun, en France, du 25 août au 1er septembre 2024. Le troisième et dernier à Nova Gorica, en Slovénie, aura lieu du 31 août au 7 septembre 2025.
Plus d'information ici et candidature ici.

Wer ist Walter? - Images of Resistance against Nazism and Facism in Europe - Sarajevo, mai 2024
”Wer ist Walter? – Images of Resistance against Nazism and Fascism in Europe” est un projet international reliant des écoles d'art de Berlin, Paris, Sarajevo et Zagreb, financé par l'Office franco-allemand pour la jeunesse (OFAJ).
Le projet vise à sensibiliser les jeunes aux mouvements de résistance durant la seconde guerre mondiale, souvent oubliés dans leurs pays. Des étudiants en graphisme des quatre pays participants créeront des affiches reflétant la résistance de leurs pays respectifs au nazisme et au fascisme, visant à promouvoir une perspective transnationale. Le projet comprend un workshop à Sarajevo du 8 au 12 mai 2024, favorisant le dialogue et le souvenir de cette partie cruciale de l'histoire.
Les écoles participantes sont l'Académie des beaux-arts de Sarajevo, en coopération avec le Musée d'histoire de Bosnie-Herzégovine, l'EPSAA - École professionnelle supérieure d'arts graphiques de Paris, l'École de design, la Faculté d'architecture de l'Université de Zagreb et la Weißensee Kunsthochschule de Berlin. Le projet est étroitement lié au projet de recherche international "Wer ist Walter ? Résistance au nazisme en Europe".

Les vendredis, samedis et dimanches pour le futur - 2022/2023
Du 5 au 10 mars 2023 des jeunes en provenance d'Albanie, d'Allemagne, de Bosnie-Herzégovine, de France, du Kosovo, de la Macédoine du Nord, du Monténégro et de la Serbie, se sont retrouvés – pour certains pour la 3e fois – à Podgorica au Monténégro.
Les partenaires de ce programme étaient RYCO Monténegro, crossborder factory (Berlin/Sarajevo) et le CIFE, et le projet a été organisé avec le soutien de l'OFAJ.
Le thème général de la rencontre était la jeunesse et le climat dans une perspective comparative entre Europe occidentale et Balkans occidentaux, avec un accent particulier mis sur la protection de l’environnement dans les Balkans. Ces thèmes ont été abordés par le biais de nombreux échanges avec des acteurs locaux aux profils variés, ainsi que par une visite du lac de Skadar, entouré d’un parc national à la biodiversité remarquable.

Youth Visions on the Climate Social Justice Nexus - Winter School in Cluj-Napoca - 2023
Du 5 au 12 mars 2023, des étudiants et des superviseurs de quatre institutions académiques en France, en Allemagne et en Roumanie se sont réunis pour une université d'hiver trinationale, afin de discuter et d'échanger sur les "Visions des jeunes sur la connexion entre le climat et la justice sociale". Les participants étaient issus du CIFE (Nice, France), de la Fachhochschule Erfurt - Fakultät Architektur und Stadtplanung (FHE, Erfurt, Allemagne) et de l'Université de Stuttgart – IER (Stuttgart, Allemagne) et ont été accueillis par les organisateurs et les étudiants de l'Université Babes Bolyai – FSPAC (Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie).
Cette université d'hiver a eu lieu à Cluj-Napoca, l'une des villes les plus dynamiques de Roumanie, et a été réalisée grâce au généreux soutien financier de l'Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse (OFAJ/DFJW). Elle visait à confronter les jeunes de différents horizons académiques à une question d'actualité : étudier la justice énergétique dans le cadre de la transition climatique et énergétique actuelle de l'Union européenne, afin de comprendre les inégalités et les injustices qui en découlent, dans trois contextes différents.
L'un des résultats de l'école d'hiver est un document de vision commun sur les défis de la justice énergétique en France, en Roumanie et en Allemagne, cartographiant les inégalités, explorant des approches normatives et identifiant des recommandations politiques. Les nombreuses visites et activités ont confronté les participants à la réalité de l'impact que la transition énergétique pourrait avoir sur les ménages à faible revenu et les communautés locales, si elle n'est pas menée de manière équitable. Les sessions de remue-méninges les ont aidés à réaliser que malgré les différences socio-économiques des trois pays qu'ils représentaient, nous sommes tous confrontés à des défis similaires pour rendre cette transition énergétique socialement juste et politiquement acceptable. En plus des activités linguistiques et interculturelles, le programme a également contribué à identifier des variables dépendantes du chemin expliquant la diversité des approches et de la mise en œuvre d'une transition juste. Cela a abouti à un document de vision commun sur les défis de la justice énergétique en France, en Roumanie et en Allemagne, cartographiant les inégalités, explorant des approches normatives et identifiant des recommandations politiques.
La vidéo présente certains des moments forts de cette semaine, avec des visites guidées de la ville, des rencontres avec des experts locaux, une excursion à Petrila, ancienne région minière, ainsi que différentes activités linguistiques et interculturelles.

EU*Connect - 2022/2023
Franco-German-Ukrainian - with the support of the OFAJ/DFJW
The project brought together online young Ukrainian participants with young French and German participants and strengthen their EU competences. We provide French, German and Ukrainian students with a high-quality digital academic teaching offer, to strengthen EU competences by discovering the EU, its values, its functioning and the mechanisms of the accession process, and to enhance the exchange of experiences and contribute to knowledge transfer between French, German and Ukrainian participants.
The EU Connect Programme offered over 100 digital classroom hours from the start of the project in October until February 2023.
Organised by CIFE, the Taras Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, and with the financial support of the Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ/DFJW.
5 modules of 20 digital classroom hours each (4 ECTS per module):
- The Way to the EU of 2022: The major steps of European integration and the lessons to be learned from Franco-German cooperation
- Institutions, decision-making, legal framework
- The EU and its neighbourhood: Enlargement and beyond
- Global security, conflicts and the EU
- Practical skills: Designing and managing an EU project.

Escaping the Loop of Nationalism and Populism - 2022/2023
Franco, German, Serbian project - with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office
Le projet vise à éduquer sur les origines du nationalisme et du populisme et à sensibiliser aux manifestations et aux conséquences de ces phénomènes. De plus, il propose également de réfléchir à la manière dont l'éducation politique des jeunes peut contrer cette tendance dangereuse.
Le premier séminaire a eu lieu à Berlin du 6 au 12 juin 2022, puis à Belgrade à l'automne 2022, et enfin à Nice en mars 2023, en collaboration avec crossborder factory, le CIFE, l'Initiative jeunesse pour les droits de l'homme en Serbie (YIHR), et avec le soutien de l'Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse (OFAJ/DFJW).

Intercultural Just Energy Transition - 2021
Franco-German Project
The project was focused on ‘Just Transition’ in France and Germany and more widely on the globe. The project tackled the intercultural aspect of energy transition and provided a platform for young people from Germany and France to discuss, brainstorm and create their vision of a Franco-German Just Transition. Related to just transition, climate change, energy transition and environmental justice and protection and sustainable development were the main themes that were tackled during the project.
One of the visible result of the project is our video to be watched here
Organised with CIFE and the Fachhoschule Erfurt with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ/DFJW
For the workshop, there were two main goals. The first one was to stimulate peer to peer interaction and learning. This was made possible with interactive tools such as Miro board where participants from both countries were able to react and reflect simultaneously. Furthermore, small group discussions helped participants to feel at ease with explaining their ideas in depth and ask question to their peers.
The second aim was to discuss the thematic topics (I.e., Just Transition) related to Germany and France from a youth perspective. The discussion was based on a clear theoretical framework (the justice framework) that was shared by both groups. In addition, the German group shared their feedback on an excursion trip they organised in a coal town. This allowed participants to discuss real life issues with a critical perspective and bring their own youth vision as a potential tool for a fair and green transition in France, Germany and in wider European context.
With these two goals in mind, the workshop kicked off with an introduction of the project and project partners and the recognition the support from OFAJ. It was followed by a linguistic ice breaker session.
After the participants introduced themselves, they participated in the Energy Dictionary Wall. This activity was designed to ease the transition from introductory activity to the energy discussion. The participants picked important terms and policies and they explained the role of these terms and policies in Germany and France. This activity allowed them to actively participate in the discussion and stimulated peer-to-peer learning.
In the next activity, they discussed what just transition means and how it is related to energy justice. During this activity, the participants provided examples from Germany and France as well as the rest of the world. They created post-its to mark the places of injustices in the world. This helped them to recognize the diversity of the issues around energy justice.
In the afternoon, students discussed their visions of Just Transition first in small groups and then in a plenary session. Here, the expert team supported them with three questions that address three tenets of energy justice framework; what are the energy injustices, who are being impacted, how the policies and decision mechanism should be designed? While participants discussed the problems, they also worked on their vision for a solution. During the final session, each one of them contributed and reflected upon their youth vision of Just Transition.
The common language of the workshop was English. However, the participants were welcomed with a linguistic activity that allowed them to introduce themselves either in French and German and exchange basic phrases in each other’s languages. Furthermore, during the Energy Dictionary Wall exercise, they introduce energy-related terms in French and German.
The group had an interesting discussion on the concept of just transition and the difficulties France and Germany were facing to translate it. The French side explained that just transition is translated in French into “transition juste” but also “transition solidaire” which refers to different concepts but are used interchangeably. The German side explained how they struggled with the translation since several concepts may refer to the same idea: Strukturwandel und Energiewende for the transition aspect but the concept of “justice” translated into “sozialgerecht” or “sozialverträglich” is not very widespread in the current German rhetoric. This difficulty in the translation of the EU concept launched the discussion on the content of a Youth vision on just transition.
The team of experts led by Dr Rachel Guyet, created the program, and facilitated the sessions to ensure that the workshop met the expected level of quality in the exchanges and the results of the discussions. The preparatory sessions as well as the dynamic discussions ensured the quality of the exchanges. Each participant was asked throughout the workshop to systematically share their point of view. Listening and respect were two qualities of this workshop. Furthermore, the participants were asked to provide feedback to the workshop. Overall, the common reaction was that they enjoyed the intercultural exchange and this workshop allowed them to learn more about France and Germany’s energy transition especially during the small group discussion where they felt more comfortable talking with their peers. They also stated that this workshop allowed them to compare and learn from the experiences of France and Germany. One unanimous feedback was that they wished for a trip to coal town all together and meet in person when the global health conditions improve.
The meeting aimed at creating a platform for young people from France and Germany to discuss and exchange ideas and perspectives of just energy transition and create their own youth vision. These objectives were met during the workshop. The participants through their discussions with their peers and facilitators learn about different dimensions of energy transition in France and Germany. They managed to go beyond their first-hand experiences and bring their perspectives forward to bridge them with empirical evidence and theory there were exposed with during the workshop. They were confronted with different inputs and perspectives. They kept comparing their experience in order to come up with some common ideas on a Youth vision of just transition. As future decision makers, each participant was asked to recommend one action to be taken to promote a just transition. Several common ideas were put forward such as the need for articulating better the different levels of governance and for supporting of the participation of citizens in the decision-making process. The feedback of the participants was positive and they all said that they were hoping for a future in-person workshop to keep exchanging.
Overall, this first hybrid workshop showed us the importance of youth empowerment through discussions with a group from another country. To continue the debate with the next generation and boost the discussion on their youth vision, we aim to organize workshops and field trips with a third country. We will utilize this experience and share the learning and the vision with incoming students of CIFE and Erfurt.
d. Possibly quotes from participants.
One participant from France said: ‘Youth are left out. Youth should be a key decision maker in Just Transition; we are living and we will have to live with the consequences of the policies that are in place now.’ Another participant from Germany said: ‘We need to be informed about the transition first, so that we can participate and get involved.’

Appreciate Democracy, Protect Democracy - Demokratie schätzen, Demokratie schützen - 2020
Projet en ligne avec la participation de jeunes issus de France, d’Allemagne et des six pays des Balkans (Albanie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Kosovo, Macédoine du Nord, Monténégro et Serbie). Organisé en collaboration avec crossborder factory, le CIFE et l'Initiative jeunesse pour les droits de l'homme en Serbie (YIHR), avec le soutien de l'Office franco-allemand de la jeunesse (OFAJ/DFJW).
L'objectif était de réunir virtuellement un groupe de jeunes peu impliqués dans les associations et la société civile, afin de leur faire découvrir de nouveaux horizons, mieux comprendre les institutions qui les entourent et les outils mis à leur disposition, et bénéficier de leur énergie pour remettre en question les institutions et les processus démocratiques et les revitaliser.
Le projet a débuté par une mise à niveau des connaissances sur les institutions européennes (Conseil de l'Europe, Parlement européen, etc.) et le fonctionnement de chaque pays participant.
Ensuite, une simulation a été organisée avec la participation active des jeunes.
Parallèlement, des discussions ont été organisées avec des représentants du Conseil de l'Europe, du Parlement européen et de la chaîne franco-allemande ARTE basée à Strasbourg, pour aider les participants à comprendre le fonctionnement de la démocratie, des institutions démocratiques et des pratiques.
Objectifs :
Renforcer l'intérêt pour les institutions démocratiques, les questionner tout en interrogeant leurs propres sources d'information, renforcer la participation et l'engagement individuel, rassembler des jeunes de milieux différents et leur apprendre à se respecter mutuellement.
À travers un jeu de simulation, permettre aux jeunes de découvrir certaines règles de négociation, de discours et de stratégie.

Rethinking European Political Culture - How to Strenghten Cooperation, Integration and concrete Youth Participation?
Franco-German-Kosovar-Serbian Project - Berlin, Belgrade & Nice - 2019/2020
Organised with the Centre culturel franco-allemand, CIFE, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ/DFJW and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office RYCO.
This project essentially dealt with two thematic complexes:
a) - How do the participants experience "political culture" and the underlying values and norm system on the one hand and the institutional conditions (state/societal structure) in the participating countries and regions on the other? - What is the history of the concept of "political culture" and the political culture experienced in the respective countries? - What role does "ethics" play in political culture? How can ethical principles (e.g. peace, freedom, justice, common good) be anchored in politics?
b) What can young citizens actively contribute to giving weight to their idea of political culture? How can young citizens find their role and responsibility in political decision-making? How do young citizens from France, Germany and the Western Balkans (and especially from two countries whose bilateral relations are very tense) envisage peaceful cooperation within the framework of a regional and European integration process? What are the intercultural challenges here? With its participants, the project consciously seeks dialogue with politicians in parliaments, but also in regional and local administrations. It looks for answers in history and in discussions with political scientists, sociologists and artists.

"Ideas and Actions for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st century"
Franco-German-Albanian encounter for young people - Berlin, Dijon & Tirana - 2017/2018
SciencesPo Environnement (Dijon), CIFE (Nice/Berlin), the Cooperation and Development Institute (Tirana) and the Bourgogne Balkans Express (Dijon) organised a project, with generous support by the French-German Youth Office (OFAJ), including young engaged and enthousiastic citizens from France, Germany and Albania.
Our programme offered an exceptional opportunity for young citizens from Albania, France and Germany to meet, work and engage in energy and environmental issues across Europe. Participants enhanced theoretical and practical knowledge and applied it in expert discussions, field trips and a final symposium in presence of the Deputy Minister for Environment of Albania, the French Ambassador to Albania, the German Ambassador to Albania.
The interactive programme have foreseen visits to key public institutions and private organisations, field trips to sites of interest for energy and environmental issues, discussions with external experts, cooperation in thematic intercultural working groups as well as training in presentation and debating skills.
Here the results of the work and excahnge of the participants: document and video. Well done! Bravo and Falemenderit!

Dialogue Across Borders: Overcoming Borders through European Integration
Berlin, Nice, Belgrade & Pristina/Mitrovica - 2016/2017
Innovative format of an intercultural laboratorium to work foster an understanding of dialogue, to enable participants to conceptualise dialogue process and to practice and experiment inclusive methods of outreach and communication. Organised in cooperation with the Centre international de formation européenne CIFE, ALTEA France, the Youth Initiative for Human Rights Serbia, The Community Building Mitrovica and with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office OFAJ/DFJW.
Despite increasing and unprecedented mobility and communication across borders in Europe since the beginning of the 21st century, “dialogue” remains an essential element and basic objective for allowing groups inside and across countries to establish common ground for interaction and exchange. The Danish Youth Council (DUF) uses the following definition in a youth context in their 2012 Dialogue Handbook:
“Dialogue is a special form of communication, in which participants seek to actively create greater mutual understanding and deeper insight.”
The project will address the basic principles and values on which dialogue has to be built: trust, openness, honesty and equality. They are intertwined and related to each other. Through them dialogue becomes possible and at the same time they are strengthened by dialogue. Dialogue does also not happen in a vacuum. Europe is seeing the (re-)emergence of ethnic and economic nationalism, a proliferation of “post-factual” politics promoting prejudice and mistrust across borders and the scenario of European dis-integration. More specifically, the European Union is facilitating a dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia with the aim of helping to normalize their relationship. A first agreement was reached in April 2013, the implementation of which is not advancing as planned. These issues form the common background for the participants and organisers of the project. These issues will also be elements for a common reflection of the importance of media and communication which are inseparably part of any dialogue situation.
A series of three workshops for young people (18-29 years old) from France, Germany, Kosovo and Serbia (5 from each country) who are interested or already engaged in dialogue, information and communication projects or are working with and in the media on issues regarding dialogue in and between communities they are living, cross-border and European cooperation.
The workshops took place in Berlin, Germany and Nice, France, in Prishtina/Mitrovica, Kosovo and Belgrade, Serbia. The interactive programme consisted of joint reflection and analysis of intercultural challenges, inputs from participants and experts, visits and exchange organisations and institutions as well as training and exercise element; with the aim to develop and improve the participants´ skills and capacity to work on outreach and communication.

“How about change? Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life in East and West”
Franco-German-Moldovan-Ukrainian encounter for young people - Bad Liebenzell & Lviv - 2014/2015
The theme of the two-part youth exchange was the participation of young people at local and regional level. Participants from "established" democracies (France, Germany) were to exchange ideas with participants from transition countries in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Moldova) and participants from already successful transition countries (Poland).
The development and stabilisation of democracy and civil society is a fragile and protracted affair in which the young generation plays a decisive and forward-looking role. The participants from the transition countries were to be encouraged through the exchange of experiences to become active themselves in the reform processes of their home countries and to recognise their importance for civil society. In addition, the youth exchange was expected to sensitise the participants to the problems of others across countries.
While the first seminar in Lviv (Ukraine) in November 2015 focused on peace and conflict resolution due to the situation in Ukraine, the meeting in Bad Liebenzell (Germany) was to concentrate on the topics that are currently of great importance in Germany and Western Europe: Migration, integration and social cohesion, and the living of European values.
The project was organised with the Europa Zentrum Baden Württemberg, the JEF Moldova and the National Youth Council of Ukraine and with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ/FGYO).

“Facing Antagonisms in Europe: Chances for a common approach? Perspectives from France, Moldova and Germany”
Franco-German-Moldovan encounter for young people - Berlin, Paris, Brussels & Chisinau - 2014/2015
On the occasion of their joint visit to Chisinau on 23 April 2014, the French and German Foreign Ministers, Laurent Fabius and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, underlined the importance of multilateral youth encounters and exchanges to support the EU rapprochement process in the light of the signing of the Association Agreement with Moldova. The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) was then asked to increase the number of youth meetings with the Republic of Moldova. The project "Facing antagonisms in Europe" is organised by the International Centre for European Training (CIFE), the Europa-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg and the Young European Federalists of Moldova, in cooperation with and with funding from the FGYO.
The project consists of three parts with a first seminar held in Berlin from 24 to 29 November 2014, the second seminar held in Chisinau, Moldova from 6 to 11 April 2015 and a final seminar in Paris and Brussels from 14 to 19 September 2015. The same group of young people is involved in all three parts of the project.

“The EU, its Eastern Partnership and Georgia - 2014, the year that changed all?”
Franco-German-Georgian encounter for young people - Berlin, Strasbourg & Tbilisi - 2014/2015
During the visit of the French and German foreign ministers, Laurent Fabius and Frank-Walter Steinmeier, to the Georgian capital Tbilisi on 24 April 2014, the EU confirmed its desire for an association agreement with the neighbouring countries and at the same time demonstrated the importance of multilateral youth encounters in the rapprochement process. In pursuit of this objective, the German-French Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW) was asked by the foreign ministries to strengthen its exchange programmes with Georgia. The project "The European Union and the Eastern Partnership" is organised by the Centre international de formation européenne - CIFE, the Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen and the Youth Association DRONI in cooperation with the OFAJ/DFJW.
The project consisted of three parts with a first seminar to be held in Berlin, Germany from 14 to 19 November 2014, followed by a seminar in Tblisi, Georgia in April 2015 and a final seminar in Paris, France and Brussels, Belgium in October 2015. The same group of young people participated in all three parts of the project.
The first seminar focuses on the current situations in the participants' countries and will address the role of the European Union and its neighbourhood policy. The programme will look at the geopolitical factors of the current crisis in the EU's Eastern Partnership and aims to identify possibilities for non-violent political approaches to defuse the problems faced by this region and by Europe as a whole. Almost 25 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Iron Curtain, young people from France, Germany and Georgia will come together to analyse and discuss the future of Europe; the relationship between the European Union and the countries of the Caucasus, and in particular the political prospects of Georgia in the wake of the war in Ukraine. The seminar provides a platform for trilateral dialogue of young European citizens on concrete initiatives and programmes as well as opportunities for youth participation.
The second part of the project will take place in Georgia in spring 2015 and will immerse the participants in the situation of the country after the entry into force of the Association Agreement with the EU. The theme of the third part in autumn 2015 in Paris, France and Brussels, Belgium will be the perspectives for European integration.