European Commission
Funding programme:
Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation Programme
Project duration:
For more information: www.seneca-eu.net
Universität Duisburg-Essen (UDE) (Coordinator)
Institut für Europäische Politik Politik (IEP) (Scientific Lead)
Anna Gussarova (CAISS)
Center of Sociological researches Zerkalo (Zerkalo)
Jahon Oitisodiyoti va diplomativa universiteti (UWED)
Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI)
Fundacja Warszawski Instytut Studiow Ekonomicznych Europejskich (WISEEUROPA)
Latvijas Arpolitikas Instituts (LIIA)
Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA)
Kyrgyz National University Named after Jusup Balasagyn (KNU)
Ynanch Wepa (YV)
SEnECA – Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations
The Horizon 2020 project SEnECA – Strengthening and Energizing EU-Central Asia Relations aims to intensify existing relations between the two regions and to establish a network between Europe and Central Asia among academia, policy-makers and relevant stakeholders.
SEnECA has four main objectives: 1) to establish an interdisciplinary network of researchers working on Central Asia in Europe and European integration in Central Asia; 2) to accompany and give recommendations on the revision of the EU-Central Asia Strategy; 3) to intensify the existing relations between the EU and Central Asia; and 4) to promote the relevance of Central Asia to Europe among academics, policy-makers, media and civil society.
The project consortium consists of 12 partners from Europe and Central Asia (including three TEPSA members, namely the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP), the Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) and the Latvian Institute of International Affairs (LIIA)). Prof. Michael Kaeding, TEPSA Chairman and Jean Monnet professor for European politics at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and Dr. Katrin Böttger, TEPSA Board member and Deputy Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) are leading the consortium. The project starts on 1 January 2018 and will run for two years till 31 December 2019.
Researchers and relevant stakeholders from Central Asia and Europe will meet seven times during the projects’ duration in Europe and Central Asia in order to establish and maintain contacts among each other.
A public photo exhibition with a high-level panel debate in Brussels will depict daily life in Central Asia and aims to bring Central Asia closer to European citizens.
The project will end with a public conference in Brussels, where the outcomes and recommendations that have been gathered during the project lifetime will be presented.
For more information, please visit the project website www.seneca-eu.net. You can sign up for the newsletter here. You also find SEnECA on Facebook and on Twitter. The hashtag for the project is as following: #h2020seneca
For further information, please contact Tatjana Kuhn, Project Officer, Tel. +49 30 860084010, tatjana.kuhn@cife.eu
SEnECA – Strengthening and Energizing EU – Central Asia relations has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770256.