Selected Publications:
Books and Journal Articles
Labinot Greiçevci. (Forthcoming Book, June 2025). The EU-Western Balkans Future Relations: Exploring Alternative Scenarios. London: Palgrave.
(Forthcoming Book Chapter, April-May 2025). ‘The US Impact on the Future of Europe: Views from Kosovo, the Newest State in Europe’ in M. Kaeding, J. Pollak and P. Schmidt (eds.) The USA and the Future of Europe: Views from the Capitals, Zurich: Springer.
The EU as a State-builder in International Affairs: The Case of Kosovo. London: Routledge. (November 2021).
With Qerim Qerimi. ‘Introduction’, Journal of European and International Affairs, Volume 1, Issue 1 (2013), pp.5-8.
‘EU Actorness in International Affairs: The Case of EULEX Mission in Kosovo’, Perspectives on European Politics and Society, Volume 12, Issue 3 (2011), pp. 283-303.
‘The Case of Kosovo: International State-building from a pending final political status to an independent country’, ISIG Journal - Quarterly of International Sociology, Volume 18, Issue 1-2 (2009), pp. 69-77.
‘The Case of Kosovo: From ‘international state-building’ to an ‘internationally supervised’ and independent country’, L’Europe en Formation, Issue 3, No. 349-350 (2008), pp. 189-203.
‘Assessing the role of the High Representative or EU Special Representative in the process of state-building in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Escaping the weak or failed state paradigm!’, Journal of Human Rights and Policy, Volume 1 (2008), pp. 101-110.
Dimitris Papadimitriou, Petar Petrov, and Labinot Greiçevci. ‘To Build a State: Europeanization, EU Actorness, and State-Building in Kosovo’, European Foreign Affairs Review, Volume 12, Issue 2 (2007) pp. 219 – 238.
Notes de recherche and Research Reports:
2024 - ‘Vox Populi on the -Peace Trail- between Kosovo and Serbia’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA).
2019 - ‘The Substance and Status of Implementation of Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue Agreements’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA).
2018 - ‘Scenarios for the ‘Grand Finale’ between Kosovo and Serbia’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA) and BPRG.
2016 - ‘An assessment of post-visa-liberalization challenges in the Western Balkans’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA).
2013 - ‘Kosovo’s Rocky Road to the EU - Stabilization and Association Agreement: Challenges and Opportunities’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA).
2012 - ‘Consolidating Kosovo’s Statehood: Processes, Problems, and Perspectives’, Research Institute of Development and European Affairs (RIDEA) and Centre for International Studies (University of Oxford).
2010 - ‘EU and the Western Balkans in retrospective and perspective: Between Limbo and Enlargement Fatigue’, Centre for EU Studies (Ghent University), European University of Tirana and Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (University of Manchester).