Dr Florent Marciacq is an expert on the enlargement policy of the European Union, the Western Balkans and the Eastern dimension of the EU’s neighbourhood policy / the Eastern Partnership. He is Senior Fellow at CIFE and Deputy Secretary General and Research Fellow at the Austro-French Centre for Rapprochement in Europe, a Vienna-based intergovernmental organisation promoting European integration in the Western Balkans and regional cooperation in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus. Florent Marciacq is the main coordinator of the think-tank initiatives: the “Western Balkans Discuss the Future of Europe”, launched in support of the Berlin process, and “Eastern Partnership Reflection Forum”, launched in Minsk in 2017.
Florent Marciacq holds a Ph.D. in political sciences from the University of Vienna and Luxembourg. He previously worked as an Associate Researcher at the European Governance Research Group of the University of Luxembourg, OSCE Researcher in residence in Prague and Guest researcher at the Austrian Defence Academy in Vienna. Florent Marciacq teaches European politics and regularly publishes academic peer-reviewed contributions, think-tank policy-papers and articles in the press.
Selected Publications
Marciacq F. 2021. Promoting resilience and EU accession in the Western Balkans: geopolitical competition and strategic confusion. Journal for Intelligence, Propaganda and Security Studies (in press).
Marciacq F. 2021. Wither or whither the EU’s enlargement policy? Tapping the potential of the Weimar Triangle. Genshagen Policy Papers (in press).
Marciacq F. 2020. Existe-t-il une Europe Centrale? Le V4 et l’UE. in de Montbrial T. & David D. (eds.) Le grand basculement? Ramses 2021. Paris: IFRI
Marciacq F. 2020. The Western Balkans, reform of the accession process and grands débats on the Future of Europe: waiting for Godot or engaging more strategically? CIFE Policy Papers (n. 95). 21.1.2020.
Marciacq F. 2019. Reviving Solidarity A New Regional Approach to Integrating the Western Balkans into a Stronger European Union. Sarajevo: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Marciacq F. 2019. Serbia: Looking East, Going West?, in Bieber F. & N. Tzifakis. The Western Balkans in the World. Linkages and Relations with Non-Western Countries. London: Routledge.
Marciacq F. and T. Flessenkemper. 2018. The European Union & its Eastern Partners: Beyond the limits of current approaches to regional cooperation. IAI Documenti, vol 18(2).
Marciacq F. 2018. L’Union européenne, la Biélorussie et le défi de la coopération. Questions Internationales. n°89.
Marciacq F. 2017. The EU and the Western Balkans after the Berlin Process – Reflecting on the EU Enlargement in Times of Uncertainty. Sarajevo: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
Marciacq F. 2017. L’Union économique eurasiatique, projet-phare de Vladimir Poutine. Questions internationales. n°85-86.
Marciacq F., T. Flessenkemper and I. Boštjancic Pulko. 2017. The OSCE’s Response to the Migration and Refugee Crisis. OSCE Yearbook 2016. Hamburg: IFSH
Marciacq, F. 2015. Sub-State Diplomacy in Malfunctioning States: The Case of the Republika Srpska, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Regional and Federal Studies, vol. 25(4), 329-346.
Marciacq, F. 2015. Building European security in the Western Balkans: the diffusion of European norms in a context of inter-organisational interactions. Journal of International Relations and Development, vol. 18, 337-360.