Friendship Between Enemies Workshop in Issoudun

After a first encounter in Berlin in July, participants from Slovenia, France and Germany met again in Issoudun, France in the well-equipped premises of Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire for the second "Friendship Between Enemies" workshop.

They had a week to work on their ambitious film project: diving deep into personal and collective memories, browsing the archives and sifting through plenty of film reels to realise THE film: A collective work on an important chapter of European history told from three different perspectives.

We thank Ciclic Centre-Val de Loire for hosting us and for letting us extensively rummage through their film archives. A special thank you to Rémi Pailhou, Olivier Fourel and Joël Gehanin for their many tips and great support.

Our gratitude goes to Julie Biro and Anja Medved for conducting this workshop again with great mastery, technical expertise and in good spirits - as our partners Du coin de l’œil, Paris and Zavod Kinokašča / Cinemattic, Nova Gorica. Heartfelt thanks to the Franco-German Youth Office for supporting this important project.

And finally, thank you to all participants for their motivation and engaged participation. It was fun! See you in Nova Gorica, Slovenia in 2025 for the next and final stop!

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