CIFE international online colloquium : Universal basic income: dream or reality?
In the context of profound changes, the European Union is obliged to consider changes to its models of production and consumption, as well as its social model. It is in this context that the debate surrounding universal basic income or citizen's income is reappearing. In an attempt to provide tools to help understanding and decision-making, the conference proposes to identify the issues at stake of this project, to measure its degree of feasibility and to analyse the results of the first experiments.
30 November 2020
9:30 am to 4 pm
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Session 1
9.30 am - 11 am
Universal basic income, citizen’s income or basic living stipend...: what is it and what’s at stake?
- Philippe Van Parijs, Philosopher and Economist, Founder of the Basic Income European Network (BIEN, now called Basic Income “Earth” Network) - presentation in French
- Jiri Svarc, Head of Unit “Social Investment Strategy”, Directorate General of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL), European Commission - presentation in English

Philippe Van Parijs

Jiri Svarc
Session 2
11:30 am - 1 pm
How to make the project sustainable, especially with regards to its financing? And what would be the conditions to be able to benefit from it?
- Marc de Basquiat, Public Policy Advisor (StepLine), President of the Association for the Establishment of a Basic Income (Association pour l'Instauration d'un Revenu d'Existence - AIRE) - presentation in French
- Philippe Defeyt, Economist, Member of the Board of Directors of the Institute for Sustainable Development (Institut pour un Développement Durable - IDD) - presentation in French
- J. Scott Marcus, Senior Fellow, Bruegel - presentation in English

Marc de Basquiat

Philippe Defeyt

J. Scott Marcus
Session 3
2:30 - 4 pm
Universal basic income: lessons from the first trials and perspectives
- Guillaume Allegre, Economist at Sciences Po, Researcher at the Department of Studies of the French Economic Observatory (Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques) (OFCE) - presentation in French
- Francesca Bastagli, Director of the Programme “Equity and Social Policy”, Principal Research Fellow, Overseas Development Institute (ODI) - presentation in English
- François Denuit, Doctor in Political and Social sciences and Research Fellow at the ULB (Cevipol and IEE) - presentation in English

Guillaume Allegre

Francesca Bastagli

François Denuit