Today is the first day of the Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week organised by the University Global Coalition for Sustainable Development Goals SDGs, of which CIFE is a signatory.

The purpose of this week is to promote awareness of the SDG goals among students in higher education and inspire them to take action to pursue the goals on their campuses and in their local community.

All this week, the students of our two Joint Master programmes, the Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) and the Joint Master in EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy (EUDIPLO), will follow lectures and courses on Sustainable Finance and Climate Diplomacy with representatives from institutions such as the The World Bank, the German Development Bank Kreditanstalt Wiederaufbau, the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, Climate Bonds Initiative and the European Commission.

Read more about the Awareness and Action week.


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