From Rome to Berlin
On Monday 7 February, we were delighted to welcome the Master students of the Joint Master in Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) and the Joint Master in EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy (EUDIPLO) for their first day of studies at CIFE in Berlin.
Arnaud Leconte, Programme Director, and the administrative CIFE staff from Berlin and Nice introduced the 58 students from 19 countries to the programme of the trimester.
The highlight of the first day was a keynote speech by Franca Koenig, Policy Officer for EU Affairs at the Senate of Berlin. Ms Koenig spoke about "Berlin in Focus: Safeguarding Security in a Transnational World".
Changing places also means changing perspectives, seeing Europe from a different point of view. The student mobility integrated in all of our Master courses also symbolises the European added value of CIFE's programmes. We deliver higher education in a distinctly European way, which distinguishes us from national universities. Our students form a small, itinerant international community over one academic year, experiencing thus the challenges of diversity and tolerance. They are in constant dialogue with European policy-makers and practitioners, becoming closely connected to the professional work. European values are for our students not only an academic notion, but also a lived experience.
We wish the GEGPAs and EUDIPLOs a good start in Berlin!