Graduated! CIFE Master students 2019/2020
The 2019/20 academic year, one like no other before, has come to an end for five of our Master programmes: the Master in Global Energy Transition & Governance, MAEIS European Integration & Global Studies, MAEIS European Policy & Governance – Trilingual Studies, MAEIS Mediterranean Studies, and Executive Master in EU Studies. The Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs students will graduate in September. A new generation of European, Mediterranean and Energy policy-makers have graduated from CIFE, the fruit of all the hard work and effort our students put in throughout the year.
When the students began their courses in October 2019, nobody could imagine the circumstances they would find themselves in at the end of the academic year. Yet, thanks to the drive and determination of our students, faculty members and administrative staff, we were able to celebrate the achievements of our students with virtual online graduation ceremonies.
Whilst the traditional ceremonies in Nice, Berlin, Rome and Istanbul were unable to take place, the new virtual format enabled more friends and family members from around the world to celebrate with our students to create a festive atmosphere.
As well as the official speeches and bestowal of the degrees, students were presented with photos of the year, contributions from former students and unofficial awards commemorating the most eco-friendly, the most likely to become president of the EU and even the most likely to fall asleep in class.
We are extremely proud of the resilience shown by our students to successfully complete their degrees in challenging times and wish them all the best for their future careers. Congratulations to the class of 2020!