The EU after the German Constitutional Court's ECB Ruling - What's next?
The recent ECB-ruling of the Federal Constitutional Court struck like a lightning into the European political debate. The highest court of the largest EU member state challenges not only the ECB, but also the European Court of Justice, which it accuses of exceeding its competence. How will the clash between the German court and the European Court of Justice go on? How will the Commission react to this unprecedented provocation? Is the supremacy of EU law in danger? Will the ECB be able to continue exercising its mandate as an independent authority on monetary policy? Is the recent Franco-German proposition for a 500 billion recovery fund a response to the ruling?
In the CIFE Lunchtime Debate, three distinguished experts coming from three different academic disciplines debate about the consequences of the ruling:
Jacques Le Cacheux is Professor of Economics at the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA) and also teaches at Sciences Po (Paris), Ecole nationale des Ponts, Paris I-Sorbonne et Chaussées, Stanford University in Paris. He studied economics and political science in Paris and has the Diploma of the IEP (Sciences Po) and the Maîtrise d’économie of the University of Paris I-Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Jacques Le Cacheux took his Ph.D in economics at the European University Institute (Florence, Italy). He works on European integration issues, taxation and international macroeconomics.
Jacques Le Cacheux teaches the course "The Economic Dimension of European Integration" in CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies.

Ingolf Pernice is Professor at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where he has the chair for public law, international and European law. He founded the Walter Hallstein-Institute for European Constitutional Law of the Humboldt University of Berlin in 1997 where he is managing director since its foundation. Since 1998 he is the Dean for international relations of the Humboldt University Law Faculty.
Ingolf Pernice has published a great number of articles dealing with European competition law, European environmental law and, above all, with the constitutional process of the European Union, with focus on fundamental rights, competencies and institutions based on his concept of "multilevel constitutionalism".
Ingolf Pernice teaches European Law in CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies.
Wolfgang Wessels is the Jean Monnet Chairholder, Centre for Turkey and European Union Studies, University of Cologne. and visiting professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (Belgium) and Natolin (Poland). He also acts as Chairman of the Board of the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and as chairperson of the board of the Institute of European Politics (IEP) in Berlin.
His main research fields are institutional and theoretical issues of European integration, EU external relations, Economic and Monetary Union and comparative political analysis. He is closely related to European and international research institutions and bodies.
Wolfgang Wessels teaches the institutional evolution of the EU and the EU's role as a global actor in international politics in CIFE's Executive Master in EU Studies.
Friday, 19 June 2020
12:30 - 14:0 h
via Zoom
The debate will be moderated by Aline Palige, Senior Programme Manager at CIFE.
The attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.