Innovative Governance: European strategy and initiative
The webinar will explore the objectives and actions of the European Blockchain strategy, and how it proposes to strengthen Europe as a leader in Blockchain. It will then zoom in the specific case of Blockchain and digital identity, and how it can be combined with the existing electronic identity regulation (eIDAS).
Advised pre-readings are the report of the European Blockchain Observatory and Forum on Blockchain and digital identity, the JRC report on Blockchain now and tomorrow and the SSI and eIDAS Legal Report.
Benoît Abeloos is Deputy Head of the Social Security Coordination Unit at the European Commission - DG EMPL.
ICT engineer with an MBA, Benoit is Deputy Head of the Social Security Coordination Unit of the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs. He is in charge of digitization of social security coordination, and business manager of the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information (EESSI) System, which provides the infrastructure for social security institutions across Europe to securely exchange information related to citizen’s mobility.
Previous to that, he was Senior Policy Officer at the Digital Innovation and Blockchain Unit of DG Connect, leading the standardisation work stream of the FinTech Task Force. Before that, he worked as Policy Officer at the Health and Wellbeing Unit of DG Connect, where he was in charge of the large scale pilot epSOS, and business manager of the eHealth Digital Services Infrastructure. Prior to joining the Commission, Benoit held different executive positions in ICT startups, in Amadeus, the technology partner of the travel industry, and in Proximus, the Belgian Telecommunications incumbent.

Friday, 19 June 2020
17:00 - 18:30 h
The attendance is free of charge, but registration is required.