Alumni  >  The CIFE Alumni Network



Since its creation in 1954, CIFE has trained thousands of students and professionals in a variety of academic programmes. Today, these Alumni are the key occupants of fundamental sectors of our societies – at home, European wide and internationally in over 100 countries. Having played a significant role in their know-how and development, CIFE is particularly proud of its Alumni and considers nurturing this link with them to be its utmost priority. Over the years CIFE has introduced a wide range of initiatives that involve former students in the daily life of the institution.


International CIFE Alumni Meetings

CIFE organises an international Alumni Meeting every year in a different European city. So far, the meetings have taken place in Istanbul, Brussels, Nice, Berlin and Vienna.
Have a look at our photo album of the past events.

The next International CIFE Alumni Meeting will take place on 26 to 28 September 2025 in Istanbul.

The final programme and the registration link will be available  at the end of March 2025.



For more information, questions and suggestions please contact Emre Gür, CIFE Alumni Director:

​10th | 20.- 22.9.2024
9th | 15.- 17.9.2023
8th | 7.- 9.10.2022
7th | 15.-17.10.2021
6th | 2.- 4.10.2020
5th | 11.-13.10.2019
4th | 26.-28.10.2018
3rd | 6.-8.10.2017
2nd | 24.-26.6.2016
1st | 16.-17.10.2015

Regional CIFE Alumni Meetings

So far, three regional CIFE Alumni groups have formed, in Brussels, Istanbul and Berlin. They organise regular or intermittent meetings. To join in or contribute to their activities, please contact the respective group by email (see below).
Should you wish to initiate a new regional CIFE Alumni group in your hometown or your town of residence, we would be pleased to support you. 

For more news on our regional groups’ activities in Brussels, Berlin and Istanbul or any updates contact:

CIFE Alumni Brussels

The Alumni group in Brussels organises meetings on a monthly basis. For more information and suggestions contact

Upcoming events in Brussels:
After a longer break due to the pandemic, alumni activities have resumed with a "Summer Drinks" evening on 27 June 2023 organised by the new team of Brussels alumni. More activities are planned in September! 

See the past events in Brussels

25th | 27 June 2023
Activities resumed: "Summer Drinks" Evening
Organised by the new Alumni Brussels team

24th | 20 April 2018
Networking lunch
23rd | 15 March 2018
Networking dinner in the presence of the students 2017-18 of the Master in Advanced European and International Studies, La Brouette
22nd | 9 February 2018
Networking lunch
21st | 19 January 2018
Networking New Year's drink, Grand Central

20th | 8 December 2017 
(lunch) in the presence of the participants in CIFE’s annual General Assembly and Scientific Council meetings, University Foundation
19th | 17 November 2017
(lunch): Connecting business, government and society: lessons from the TTIP negotiations – introduction by Sharon Leclercq-Spooner, Partner at EPPA and CIFE Alumna
18th | 16 June 2017
(lunch): Current Challenges of the Enterprise Policy and Competitiveness of enterprises - introduction by Luc Hendrickx, Director Enterprise Policy and External Relations at the European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (UEAPME)
17th | 7 April 2017
16th | 13 March 2017
(dinner w/ current MAEIS students)
15th | 17 February 2017
14th | 20 January 2017
(after work): “New Year’s Special” - after work drink at CIFE Brussels

13th | 9 December 2016
(lunch in the presence of CIFE’s Board members and General Assembly members)
12th | 18 November 2016
(lunch): Public Opinion and Membership of the EU – Jacques Nancy (CIFE alumni), Head of the Public Opinion Monitoring Unit, DG Communication of the European Parliament
11th | 21 October 2016
(lunch): A business view on Europe’s crisis – introduction by Gianfranco dell’Alba (DHEEI 1978-79), member of the European Economic and Social Committee, Director of the Delegation of Confindustria to the EU and a former MEP
10th | 1 July 2016
9th | 20 May 2016
(lunch w/ participants of the CIFE Research Symposium 2016)
8th | 15 April 2016
(lunch): Labour migration to the EU and EU attractiveness – how we are doing compared to other destinations? – introduction by Jan Saver (IEHEI 2002-03), Policy Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs (HOME), European Commission
7th | 7 March 2016
(dinner w/ the current MAEIS students, Trilingual and Anglophone branches)
6th | 24 February 2016
(lunch w/ Texas A&M University Group)

5th | 11 December 2015
(after work): “Christmas Special” – after work drink at CIFE Brussels
4th | 13 November 2015
3rd | 9 October 2015
(lunch): Entrepreneurship & the EU – introduction by Cristina Andreea Trifu (IEHEI 2006-07), Co-Founder of “Scope”
2nd | 11 September 2015
(lunch): Internal Energy Market or the role of Energy Trading – introduction by Daniel Wragge (IEHEI 2004-05), Head of Political & Regulatory Affairs at European Energy Exchange AG, Brussels Office
1st | 26 June 2015
(lunch): The Launching of a CIFE Alumni Group in Brussels

CIFE Alumni Berlin
The Alumni group in Berlin also arranges meetings. For more information and suggestions contact

2nd | 13 January 2017
1st | 16 November 2015


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CIFE Alumni on LinkedIn

We invite you to join the CIFE Alumni group on LinkedIn: this is a closed group, exclusively reserved for the CIFE Alumni network. 

With this Members Only group our alumni can:
• benefit from job postings;
• network with other members;
• read latest news from fellow students;
• get news on CIFE services for Alumni

To join this group, sign in on CIFE Alumni LinkedIn (Centre international de formation européenne)” through Groups and click “Ask to join”.

More photos from CIFE Alumni meetings here.


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