The Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE) is part of a research consortium on EU-Turkey relations, which has been selected within a highly competitive call within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. The project started 1 April 2016.
The refugee crisis at Europe’s borders as well as the parliamentary elections in Turkey beginning of November have yet again highlighted the importance of Turkey both for the EU and within the region. Therefore, the research project “FEUTURE: The Future of EU-Turkey Relations: Mapping Dynamics and Testing Scenarios” is dealing with a highly topical issue. The aim of FEUTURE’s research is to analyse and assess the multidimensional relations between Turkey and the EU and Turkey’s role in the region both in terms of historical narratives and future oriented scenarios. This inter- and transdisciplinary analysis provides the foundation for policy recommendations that will consider both Turkish accession perspectives to the EU as well as other forms of cooperation between Turkey and the EU.
Professor Wolfgang Wessels, Jean Monnet Chair for European Politics at the University of Cologne, and Dr. Nathalie Tocci, Deputy Director at Istituto Affari Internazionali in Rome will jointly coordinate FEUTURE throughout the three years of project lifetime. The consortium encompasses 12 additional renowned universities and think tanks from the EU and Turkey such as Koc and Bilgi University in Istanbul, Middle East Technical University (Ankara) and the Centre for International Affairs and Documentation (Barcelona) as well as CIFE. FEUTURE also works together with partner institutes in Iraq, Egypt and Georgia.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 692976.
CIFE is involved in the project’s research activities and will lead FEUTURE’s Dissemination and Outreach activities. Dr. Funda Tekin and then Aline Palige were the leader of the Work Package “Dissemination and Outreach”.
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Aline Palige - Centre international de formation européenne
Email: aline.palige@cife.eu