Research & Publications  >  Members  >  Rachel Guyet

Rachel GUYET is Director of the Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance. She is a doctor in political science and project manager at CERI-Sciences Po. She works on issues of energy poverty and energy transition at the territorial level in Europe. She also teaches at the European campus of Sciences Po Paris in Dijon.

 2023, Co-author with Florian Hanke "The struggle of energy communities to enhance energy justice: insights from 113 German cases", Energy, Sustainability and Society, Bio Med Central, Part of Springer Nature
 2023, Co-author with George Jiglau, Marlies Hesselman, Audrey Dobbins, Katrin Grossmann, Sergio Tirado Herrero, Anaïs Varo "Energy and the social contract: From “energy consumers” to “people with a right to energy", Sustainable Development
 2023, Co-author "Looking back to look forward: Reflections from networked research on energy poverty", iScience, A Cell Press Journal
 2023, «Dépenses énergétiques en Allemagne: des inégalités aggravées par la crise en 2022 », SILOMag

 2022, Co-author "Energy poverty and emerging debates: Beyond the traditional triangle of energy poverty drivers", Energy Policy
 2022, Co-author "Energy communities’ social role in a just energy transition", in Löbbe S. et al., Energy communities Customer centered, market driven, welfare enhancing?, London: Academic Press, 195-208
 2022, "Addressing energy poverty through technological and governance innovation" avec Anais Varo, George Jiglau, Katrin Grossmann, BMC
 2022, "The Origins of Energy Poverty", Australian Institute of International Affairs

 2021, "Energy Poverty in the Eastern Mediterranean dialogue, In CIFE Studies: The EU and the Eastern Mediterranean: the multilateral dialogue option", vol. 1
 2021, Co-author "Global responses to COVID-19 and the momentum for the universal right to energy", Energy Research and Social Sciences 
 2021, Co-author "Do renewable energy communities deliver energy justice? Exploring insights from 71 European cases", Energy Research and Social Sciences
 2021, Co-author "The uptake of new domestic energy technology in the 1950-1960s: how women got involved in France and the Netherlands", Journal of Energy History
 2021, Co-author "The critical role of trust in experiencing and coping with energy poverty: Evidence from across Europe", Energy Research and Social Sciences  

 2020, "Contribution to Towards an inclusive energy transition in the European Union: Confronting energy poverty amidst a global crisis", Third pan-EU energy poverty report of the EU Energy Poverty Observatory, June

 2018, « Entre centralisation de l’énergie et émergence de nouveaux modèles énergétiques locaux. Le cas d’Aberdeen » in Lepesant G., Energies renouvelables, territoires autonomes ?, Presses de l’Inalco
 2017, Report on “Social housing, energy management and combating energy poverty” – co-directed with François Bafoil, delivered to the French Federation of Social Housing Organisations In charge of the studies in Germany, Scotland, England and one case study in France
 2016, "Energy Vulnerability: A cross-national comparative survey" with Fodor F., Conference DEMAND, Lancaster, 13-15 April
 2016, « Dépenses énergétiques des ménages en Europe » with Fodor F, Le-Roux D., in Moussaoui I., Pierre M., Pratiques sociales et usages de l’énergie, Lavoisier, juillet
 2016, « L'énergie éolienne en Europe», Presses de Sciences Po, 
   - Chapitre 3 / Écosse : La région de South Lanarkshire
   - Chapitre 8 / Réflexion sur un référentiel commun entre sciences sociales et sciences de l’ingénieur en matière d’acceptation sociale des ouvrages éoliens, avec François Bafoil, Moussa Dicko et Farida Lamari


CIFE Policy Paper:

2021 - n°124, The impact of the energy price crisis on vulnerable households: a new test for EU unity

2020 - n°110, Health crisis, first lockdowns and vulnerabilities to energy poverty

2020 - n° 96, Low carbon energy transition as a driver and solution to energy poverty and injustice


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