Master Programmes  >  Photo Album

CIFE Programmes - The Academic Year 2023-2024 in Photos

In Nice, RomeBerlin, Istanbul, Canterbury or Tunis, between two trips, together at the Studentendorf or any other place of study, in person or online, all these shared moments are kept here for the current academic year.

Click here for the Alumni Album for all previous years


 Applied European Policy and Governance Studies    European Integration and Global Studies

STUDY TRIP March 2024 - Strasbourg, Luxembourg, Brussels

Strasbourg: Council of Europe / European Youth Centre, European Parliament, European Court of Human Rights
Luxembourg: Court of Justice of the European Union, European Investment Bank
Brussels: European External Action Service, European Commission, Alumni Networking Dinner, NATO, Council of the European Union


 Applied European Policy and Governance Studies    Mediterranean Studies

Nice, December 2023, Simulation Game

Nice, 6 October 2023, guided tour

Nice, Wednesday 4 October 2023, start of the academic year for the 2 programmes


 Mediterranean Studies    European Integration and Global Studies

Graduation Ceremony ISTANBUL, 26 June 2024


Istanbul, Avril 2024


 Applied European Policy and Governance Studies   


Berlin, May 2024, courses and visits

Berlin, LV Saarland

Berlin, Bundeskanzleramt

Berlin, May 2024, Visit of the Dome of the Reichstag Building

CIFE Bundeskanzleramt, Berlin

CIFE Bundeskanzleramt, Berlin

Berlin, April 2024 - Workshop on Dealing with (Historical) Photographs at the Memorial and EducationalSite – House of the Wannsee Conference

April 2024,
Political Network Event Berlin

April 2024,
Berlin - Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer - Bernauer Straße

March 2024, Study trip


Thursday 15 February to Friday 16 February
London Excursion


Hello Canterbury


Bye Bye Nice


  Mediterranean Studies


Istanbul, May 2024

SUPDECO Banjul, April 2024

March 2024, Gorée Island


Dakar, Consortium Jeunesse Sénégal

March 2024, Gorée Island

March 2024, Dakar

March 2024, Dakar

A Rich Programme of Visits in Tunis 

January 2024, the "Med" students are in Tunis


Nice, October, November, December 2023


 European Integration and Global Studies

Rome, June 2024, Graduation Ceremony

Rome, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Istanbul, April 2024


Rome, April 2024, FAO

March 2024, last days in Nice

March 2024 - Study Trip to the European and International Institutions


January 2024, Nice, guided tour


Nice, January 2024

Berlin, December 2023

October, November 2023, Berlin guided tour


Berlin, Monday 16 October 2023, Opening of the programme


  Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance


Nice, June 2024, Graduation Ceremony

Nice, May 2024


Monaco, May 2024

Marseille - Aix en Provence, ITER, April 2024

Berlin, March 2024

March 2024, Study Trip to Brussels

 February 2024, Trip to the Ruhr Region

January 2024, Study Trip to Feldheim

Berlin, January 2024

Nice, November 2023: IMREDD

Nice, Thursday 5 October 2023, start of the academic year for the Energy programme


  Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs

Nice, May 2024 - Workshop Failed States

 April 2024, Nice guided tour

April 2024, Nice guided tour


KfW Berlin, février 2024

Berlin, February 2024

Rome, 9 October 2023, start of the academic year


   Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy






April 2024, Nice guided tour

Berlin, February 2024


Brussels, March 2024

Rome, 9 October 2023, start of the academic year


  Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs    Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy






Nice, June 2024, Workshop

June 2024, visit to St Paul de Vence

Nice, April 2024

Berlin, February 2024, Official CIFE Welcome Ceremony

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