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Master in Advanced European & International Studies (MAEIS) - European Integration & Global Studies

Teaching Language: English
Study Destinations: Berlin, Nice, Rome / Istanbul
Duration: A one-year programme + optional professional internship (max. 6 months to be completed by 31 December) 
Start Date: October
End Date: June
Credits: 60 ECTS
Partners: European Stability Initiative, Berlin; Luiss School of Government, Rome; Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul

Entry Requirements & How to Apply

• For students who have completed their undergraduate studies
• Good knowledge of English required

Tuition Fees: 9,800 €

Early bird (31 January 2025): 8,900 €

Application Deadline: 30 April 2025

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Overview of the Academic Year

This one-year programme takes place in three different cities:
October to December: Berlin
Classes on the basics of all the five modules.
January to March: Nice
Courses and mid-term exams.

In Nice, teaching focuses on the current international order, examining the reasons for conflict and the perspectives for cooperation. Lectures explore Europe's policies in diverse fields (trade, democracy promotion, conflict resolution, climate change, development aid) to explain how important a role the EU plays on the international stage.

In March: study trip to the European institutions and international organisations in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. 

One of the best ways to learn about European and International Organisations is to visit them. That is why a study trip to Brussels, Luxembourg, and Strasbourg is an essential part of the programme for the students of our Master in Advanced European and International Studies.

Visits to the European Council, the European Commission and the  European External Action Service are highlights of the stay in Brussels, whereas Strasbourg hosts not only the headquarters of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rignts, but also the plenary sessions of the European Parliament. Students listen to a debate in the chamber and meet for a discussion with a Member of the European Parliament. In Luxembourg, visits include the Court of Justice of the European Union and EIB. The students meet with public officials who explain the mission of their institution and aspects of their work. These visits enable the students to gain an insight into the working environment of European and international organisations, to make useful contacts and to learn about recruitment procedures.

Study Trip Report - March 2023  

NB: Places and institutions may change depending on that year's programme. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 2020 and 2021 study trips did not take place.

April to June: Rome or Istanbul
According to their choice, students will do their third trimester either in Rome or in Istanbul.
Finalising research work, defence of the thesis, final oral exams, Graduation ceremony.

In Rome, special focus is given to the Mediterranean region and Africa with particular emphasis on the issues of migration, poverty and food security. Students will visit relevant UN institutions.
In Istanbul, students study the changing EU-Turkey relations and focus on area studies of the Black Sea region, the Caucasus including ENP, and Central Asia.
During the third term, students have the opportunity to advance in their research work, as they are free of obligations from mid-May to mid-June to work on their thesis. The programme concludes with the defence of the thesis and oral exams. With their graduation, students become part of CIFE’s wide Alumni network.

From July: Optional internship (max 6 months) to be completed by 31 December of the current year.


Programme Structure & Learning Outcomes

Teaching Modules
Five basic modules form the framework of teaching and research at CIFE. International guest lecturers, experts from various European and international organisations, as well as researchers from partner institutions contribute to these modules.
Click on the titles for more information

- International relations theories
- Current major conflict zones, with a focus on the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe
- Foreign policy analysis of major actors
- Conflict and violence studies
- International law and transitional justice

- EU integration history
- EU institutions and policies
- Current EU challenges and reform projects
- EU external relations with major actors
- Enlargement and partnership projects

- Comparative analysis of federal institutions/states
- Institutional challenges of multi-level governance
- Federalism as a tool for conflict resolution
- Case studies (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraq, Myanmar, etc.)

- Overview of the world economy
- Characteristics and challenges of economic globalisation
- Global management of trade, currency and international financial issues
- EU economics: policies, challenges, reforms
- Key sustainable development challenges: climate change, energy, access to water, etc.

- Project cycle management
- Intercultural communication
- International mediation and negotiation
- Drafting of position papers and policy recommendations
- Career workshop

Teaching methods
Problem-focused learning at the crossroads of theory and practice: the  programme offers students a strong academic background and prepares for the job market through a variety of trainings in practical skills.

Our programmes are designed to offer a teaching method which is academic and at the same time directed towards the professional world. We aim to give students the ability to enter into dialogue with decision-makers from both the economic and the political world, stakeholders, diplomats as well as officials from international and European organisations. This broad outlook is made possible by the wide variety of our lecturers, the visits organised to different European countries and our relationship with our carefully selected international partners. Our in-house panel of experts contributes to the rich content of the modules.

The international composition of our groups enables our students to gain maximum advantage from participating each year in various role games to enhance their understanding of problems of collective action and the art of negotiation in different environments such as the EU, the UN and federal states. Research for the thesis at the end of the programme will enable students to delve into a specific subject in more detail and acquire important skills for the job market. In our documentation centre, reviews, books and a great number of electronic resources are at the students’ disposal. Our lectures are accompanied by an online learning management system, facilitating communication between students, lecturers and staff.


Fees & Funding

CIFE is a private, non-profit European institute of higher education. We belong to the six designated institutions receiving special funding by the European Union in the framework of the Jean Monnet programme.
Thanks to this grant by the European Union, each CIFE student benefits from significantly reduced study fees. Those fees not only cover tuition and mentoring, but also the accommodation in Berlin, the travel costs to/from Nice and Rome or Istanbul as well as the study trip to Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg. Moreover, CIFE is able to offer different scholarships to qualified students in need.

The overall tuition fee for the Master of Advanced European and International Studies - European integration and Global Studies – amounts to 9,800 €.

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Degree & Title

Graduates receive two certifications:
- The Master in Advanced European and International Studies. This is the diploma of CIFE as a private institute of higher education, certifying the successful completion of the academic curriculum and granting 60 ECTS at Master level.
- The degree qualification "Policy Officer in European and International Organisations" (level 7 EQF), recognised by the French state.

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