Core Faculty
Laurent Baechler studied International Relations and Economics in Paris. He received his PhD in Economics in 2000. He taught at the Marmara University in Istanbul and at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers in Paris, before joining the teaching staff of Science Po Paris in 2003. Since 2005, he has been working with CIFE and directs the module "Economic Globalisation and Sustainable Development" of the MAEIS European Integration and Global Studies.
Since 2013 he is Director of the Global Studies programme, formerly the Anglophone branch. Laurent Baechler has been conducting research on sustainable development issues, particularly on energy and climate policies, for more than 15 years.
He is currently working on sustainable development policies in emerging countries. He is also scientific advisor and coordinator of the new collection "Planète en jeu" (Planet at stake) at DeBoeck editions.

François BAFOIL
François Bafoil enseigne dans les programmes Diplôme des hautes études sur la transition et la gouvernance énergétique globale à Nice et à Berlin avec un cours sur “Geopolitics and energy” et Executive Master in EU Studies avec le cours "Political Economy of Energy Transitions".
Il a obtenu son doctorat à Sciences Po et son habilitation en sociologie à diriger des recherches à l’université de Grenoble 2. Il est diplômé en hilosophie et en polonais (INALCO). En poste à l’université de Lodz en Pologne en 1984, puis chercheur à Berlin de 1988-1994 (Fondation Alexander von Humboldt, WZB), il rejoint le CERI en 2003. En 2002-2003, il est expert européen en charge de l’évaluation ex ante au ministère de l’Economie à Varsovie et en 2007-2008, conseiller spécial à l’OCDE pour le Territorial Review Poland. Il a enseigné dans les universités de Cologne, Shanghaï (Fudan), Istanbul (Bilgi) et Berlin (CIFE). Il est membre des comités scientifiques de l’Institut für Europäische Politik de Berlin, du Centre for Social Studies (PAN) de Varsovie et Centre for Social Studies (PAN) de Varsovie et du Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE). Il développe, dans le cadre de la sociologie, des études comparatives sur l’Europe centrale et orientale et l’Asie du Sud Est et sur les politiques de l’énergie. Il enseigne au sein du Master Théorie Politique de Sciences Po un cours intitulé : « Sociologie et psychanalyse. Max Weber et Sigmund Freud. Approches comparées du rationalisme ».
Emre GÜR
Emre GÜR is a graduate of the IEHEI as well as of Marmara University Public Administration Department. He started his career with intensive work in the Civil Society network between Turkey and EU, and has contributed to various projects within this framework. He worked at Bahcesehir University, in charge of cooperation with CIFE, followed by a traineeship at the Directorat General Europeaid of the European Commission in Brussels. Currently, he is the managing partner of Barem Consultancy, representative of CIFE in Turkey, and consultant & trainer on Project Management and PCM. He has working and teaching experience also on Civil Society Organisations Management, EU Development Policies, Funding and Networking and various related topics. He is the Secretary General of Turkey Europe Foundation and member of its board. In the framework of the MAEIS, he is in charge of a workshop on Project Cycle Management.

Rachel GUYET
Rachel GUYET is Director of the Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance. She is a doctor in political science and project manager at CERI-Sciences Po. She works on issues of fuel poverty and fuel transition at the territorial level in Europe. She also teaches at the European campus of Sciences Po Paris in Dijon.

Susann Heinecke-Kuhn, born in 1979 in Apolda/Thuringia, has studied political science, cultural studies and journalism in Leipzig and Lyon. She worked at the Zeitgeschichtliches Forum and the University of Leipzig, department of political science. 2003-2007 Robert Bosch Foundation scholarship and lectureship at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, the Lomonosov Moscow State University, and the Free Russian-German Institute of Journalism in Moscow, as well as at the School of International Relations of the St. Petersburg State University. Regional coordination of the Robert Bosch Stiftung’s lectureship program in Russia in 2004-2005. She participated in the Robert Bosch Foundations’ doctoral program at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) “Central and Eastern Europe on the way into the 21 century” in 2005-2007. Consultant for the CIS countries at the state chancellery of Brandenburg in 2007-2009. Doctoral thesis about the German policy towards Russia at the University of Cologne in 2011. She has been a research associate at CIFE since 2011 and has coordinated the Berlin trimesters of several master programmes, a PhD Support Programme for doctoral students from Central Asia and the Southern Caucasus (EUCACIS), and the Horizon 2020 project SEnECA. Since the academic year 2019/20, Susann is the Director of CIFE's Master programme MAEIS Applied European Policy and Governance Studies (former MAEIS European Policy and Governance – Trilingual Studies).
Language skills: German, English, Russian, French, Spanish.
Research interests: foreign policy analysis, German foreign policy, German-Russian relations, Russian foreign and domestic politics and developments of the CIS region, cultures and politics of memory, theories of international relations.

Mathias JOPP
Mathias Jopp is the former Director of the Institut für Europäische Politik (IEP) and Honorary Professor at the University of Tübingen.
He teaches the module "European Integration and External Action" in CIFE's Master in European Integration and Global Studies. He is a member of the Board of the German section of the European Community Studies Association (ECSA) and accredited reviewer of the European Research Council.
Arnaud Leconte is in charge of the Joint Master in Global Economic Governance and Public Affairs (GEGPA) organised with the School of Government of LUISS Guido Carli. He is a Doctor of Economics. Arnaud Leconte is a researcher in economics and a graduate of the College of Europe in Bruges and the University of St. Gallen. He focuses his research on the economic policies of collaboration between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries to achieve sustainable development.

Frédéric LÉPINE
Frederic Lepine was born in Namur (Belgique) in 1966. He studied political sciences at the Catholic University of Louvain (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium). Since 1994, he is journalist in the academic journal of the CIFE, L'Europe en formation, and was appointed Editor-in-chief in 2001. This scientific quarterly is specialised in the political field, encompassing European Integration, Federalism and International Relations. Since 1994, he is also teaching federalism in CIFE Masters' programmes. In particular, he is the director of the "Federalism and Governance" module. From 1996 to 1999, he was the director of studies of the Collège universitaire d'études fédéraliste, summer school organized in Aosta (Italy). From 2001 to 2009, he was also the Administrative director of the CIFE. He is now Deputy Director General. His research is focusing on the history of federalist ideas, and the connection with multi-level governance.
Dr George N. Tzogopoulos is Senior Research Fellow at CIFE. He is also teaching International Relations and International Energy Relations at the Department of Law of the Democritus University of Thrace. George recently joined the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA) as a Research Associate and expert in media and politics as well as Chinese affairs. At BESA, he is, inter alia, organising its recently launched online debates on several international themes. He has been a Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy since 2010 and is coordinating its Asian Studies Programme.

Jean-Claude VEREZ
Jean-Claude Verez is an economist and Associate Professor at the University of Artois. He is teaching at the IEHEI since 2005. He worked several years abroad, thereof two years in Niger as international expert for the UNDP and six years in Turkey as Professor at the University of Galatasaray in Istanbul, where he was appointed Vice-Rector from 2002 to 2004. His research specializes on international economy (among them development economy) and on issues of educational policies. He is a Researcher at LEAD (Laboratory of applied development economy, University of Toulon – Var), as well as a member of the research group DREEM (Development of euro-mediterranean economical researches, CNRS, University of Paris Dauphine). He is also on the editorial board of the journal « Mondes en développment ».

Matthias Waechter was born in Bonn in 1965. After his studies of History and Philosophy at the Universities of Bonn, Freiburg, Paris, and Rochester, he took his PhD at the University of Freiburg in 1994. In the same year, he joined the faculty of the history department of the University of Freiburg, where he received his "Habilitation" in 2004. He was a Research Fellow at the German Historical Institute Paris in 1997/98 and a Fulbright Fellow at New York University in 1999. In 2000, he joined the Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, first as a DAAD Visiting Professor and as its Director (2005-2013). Since 2013, he is Director of CIFE. He is also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Freiburg and teaches international relations at EDHEC Business school. In 2010, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He specializes in U.S. history, contemporary France, Franco-German relations and European integration. In his research, he focuses on problems of collective identity, historical consciousness, political myths and transnational intellectuals. For his book Die Erfindung des amerikanischen Westens. Die Geschichte der Frontier-Debatte (1996), he received the Gerhard Ritter Prize. His book Der Mythos des Gaullismus. Heldenkult, Geschichtspolitik und Ideologie (2006) was awarded with the Franco-German Parliamentary Prize and the DaimlerChrysler Services Prize.
Guest Lecturers
A |
- Benoit ABELOOS
Deputy Head of the Social Security Coordination Unit of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission, Brussels
- Elisabeth ALBER
Senior Researcher, Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, EURAC, Bolzano
- Francesca ASTENGO
Lecturer at the University of Nice and Sciences Po (Menton campus)
B |
- Federica BICCHI
Associate Professor in International Relations of Europe at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
- Lukas BIEBER
BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries)
- Katrin BÖTTGER
Director of the Institute of European Politics (Institut für Europäische Politik; IEP), Berlin
- Ivan BOEV
Associate Professor at the University of Strasbourg
- Michel-Henry BOUCHET
Professor Emeritus at SKEMA Business School, Former World Bank Senior Advisor and Strategy Advisor of Investment Funds
- Messaoud BOUDHIAF
Professor Emeritus at the University of Tunis El Manar, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management
Energy Consultant
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- Roberto CANTONI
Senior researcher
- Xavier CARLIOZ
Energy sector manager, CCI Nice Côte d’Azur
- Philippe CHARLEZ
Energy Expert Total
- Jean-Christophe CLÉMENT
Project manager, Capénergies, Director Solutions Smart, Dalkia Smart Building
- Silvia COLOMBO
Senior Fellow at the Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
Director Directorate 1 – General Policy General and Institutional Policy, Services attached to the Secretary-General, General Secretariat of the Council of the European Union
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- Jean François DI MEGLIO
President Asia Centre
- Juan DIAZ
INGROUP BERLIN, European Forum for International Mediation and Dialogue (mediaEUr)
Associate Professor in International Affairs International Studies and Business Department ESSCA
- Karima DIRECHE
Researcher at CNRS, Aix-marseille University
- Marc-Antoine EYL MAZZEGA
Director Energy Center, IFRI
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Director of the Representation of the Council of Europe at Belgrade, Serbia
Research Associate at Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS), Paris
- Cristiano FRANCESE
Proposal Manager at E.ON
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Associate Professor at the University of Nice, Centre de la Méditerranée Moderne et Contemporaine
- Jean-Antoine GIANSILY
Ancien vice-président de la Commission des budgets du Parlement européen et Vice-président du CIFE
- Emre GONEN
Director of the EU Master at Istanbul Bilgi University
- Magdalena GORA
Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
- Korel GOYMEN
Professor at Sabanci University, Istanbul
- Amy GRAY
Senior Sustainable Development Officer, Aberdeen City
- Félicitas GUILLOT
Consultante en droit public monégasque
- Alexander GUSEV
Project scientist at the Institute for Advances Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam
- Serhat GÜVENC
Assistant Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University
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Senior Researcher at the Bonn International Center for Conversion
Professor of Political Science at Université Paris-Dauphine, Researcher at IRMC
- Simon HEINKE
Project Manager at DGRV (Federation of German Energy Cooperatives)
- Oliver HÖING
Lecturer at the University of Cologne
Europe correspondent, Deutsche Welle, Brussels
IJ |
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Associate Professor at the University of Nice, Faculty of Law and Political Science; Member of the Tunisian Assembly of the Representatives of the People
- Laurent JAMMES
YBL Consulting
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- Friedemann KAINER
Associate Professor, Lehrstuhl für Bürgerliches Recht, deutsches und europäisches Wirtschafts- und Arbeitsrecht, Université de Mannheim
- Ayhan KAYA
Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University, Director of the European Institute
- Soeren KEIL
Lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University
- Mohamed KERROU
Professor of Political Science, Université El-Manar de Tunis
Professor at the University of Sabanci, Istanbul
- Enrique KLAUS
Researcher of Political Sciences, Programme coordinator at IRMC
Director, Foundation Berlin Wall Memorial, Berlin
Professor of International Politics, Deputy Head of School with responsibility for Internationalisation, Director of the Global Europe Centre (Professional Studies), University of Kent, Canterbury
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- Long LAM
Managing Consultant, Navigant Netherlands B.V.
- Jacques LE CACHEUX
Professor of Economics at the University of Pau and Sciences Po Paris
Senior Researcher at CNRS, Geographie-Cités (Paris)
- Barbara LIPPERT
Research Director at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
MN |
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- Claudia MAJOR
Research Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
- Hartmut MARHOLD
Senior Research Fellow at CIFE
- Andreas MAURER
Research Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Berlin
PhD, SNSF Ambizione Researcher/Senior Lecturer
- Claude NIGOUL
Academic Expert at CIFE
- Willem NOË
Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG COMM.
O |
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Associate Professor at the University of Bilgi, Istanbul
Professor at the University of Chemnitz
- Ictor OSU
Researcher, Robert Gordon University
- Gencer ÖZCAN
Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University
PQ |
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- Francesco PALERMO
Director, Institute for Studies on Federalism and Regionalism, EURAC, Bolzano
- Ryszard PIASECKI
Professor at the University of Lodz, Former Ambassador of Poland in Chile
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- Michael RAUSCHER
Professor at the University of Rostock
CDSE Center Manager at the Graduate School for Economic and Social Sciences, University of Mannheim.
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- Nicolas SCHMITT
Research Fellow at the Institut du fédéralisme, University of Fribourg
Language Tutor
- Pinar SELEK
Associate professor University of Nice
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- Natalia TIMUS
Research associate at Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht University, and UNU-MERIT and adjunct professor at the Middle East and Mediterranean Campus, Sciences Po, in Menton, France
Coach in Communication and Leadership, French teacher
- Mehmet Ali TUGTAN
Assistant Professor at Istanbul Bilgi University, Istanbul
Assistant Professor for International Law, Co-director of the Department of International Relations Department at the University of Bilgi, Istanbul
VW |
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Associate Professor in Political Economy of the Middle East, University of Exeter, Director - Centre for Gulf Studies, College Director of Postgraduate Research
- Jelena VASIC
European Commission DG Connect
- Sébastien VELUT
Professor at the University of Paris 3 – Sorbonne Nouvelle, and at the Institute of Latin American Studies
Professor, CERI-Sciences Po
- Bernd WEBER
Head of Energy Policy and Energy Efficiency at the Economic Council of the CDU in Berlin and a Research Associate at CERI
- Nikolaus WERZ
Professor at the University of Rostock
- Wolfgang WESSELS
Professor at the University of Cologne, Jean Monnet Chair
- Daniel WRAGGE
Director of Political and Regulatory Affairs at EEX
YZ |
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- Bahri YILMAZ
Jean Monnet Professor at Sabanci University, Istanbul
- Mark YOUNG
President, Rational Games, Inc.
- Esther ZANA-NAU
Programme Manager, IMPALLA, The International Master in Social Policy Analysis
- Vladimir ZUEV
Professor at Institute of Trade Policy, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
This list is not exhaustive but it gives an idea of the diversity of our speakers