Statutory bodies
Board of Trustees
Founder: Alexandre Marc (1904-2000)
Honorary President: Jean-Claude Juncker
President: Herman Van Rompuy
Vice-President: Esther Zana-Nau
Honorary Vice-President: Jean-Antoine Giansily,
Secretary General: Ryszard Piasecki
Treasurer: Daniel Wragge
Other members of the Board
Cristian Badescu
Bruno Boissière
Maurice Braud
Anna Dimitrova
Maurice Méda
Dominique Ristori
Isabelle Weykmans
Honorary Members
Jean-Antoine Giansily
Jean-Claude Juncker
Ferdinand Kinsky (1934-2020)
Arnaud Lipiansky (1935-2021)
Jean-Jacques Rey
Robert Toulemon (1927-2020)
Scientific Council
Hartmut MARHOLD, Honorary Professor at the University of Cologne
François BAFOIL, Emeritus Director of Research at the CNRS, Researcher at CERI-SciencesPo Paris
Katrin BÖTTGER, Director, Institut für Europäische Politik, Berlin
Vlad CONSTANTINESCO, Professor Emeritus at the Law Faculty of the University of Strasbourg
Paul CULLEY, EU policy advisor, tutor and trainer (former Director in the EU Council Secretariat)
Sylvie FAUCHEUX, Director IFG Executive Education and Director of Academic Innovation at INSEEC U
Tobias FLESSENKEMPER, Head of the Youth Department, Council of Europe
Alexandre HERLEA, Former University Professor, Minister for European Integration of Romania between 1996 and 1999
Agnieska KURCZEWSKA, Professor of Economics at the University of Lodz
Cecilia Iulia MIHAIL, Senior Counsellor at the Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation, Director of the Romanian Office for Science and Technology to the EU (ROST), based in Brussels
Susanne NIES, General Manager Germany at Smart Wires Inc.
Claude NIGOUL, Former Director of the Institut européen des hautes études internationales (IEHEI), President of the Club de Nice - Energy and Geopolitics
Philippe POIRIER, Professor in Political Science at the University of Luxembourg, Chair Holder in Legislative Studies for the Chamber of Deputies of Luxembourg
Cristian Dan PREDA, Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Bucharest
Dagmar RÖTTSCHES-DUBOIS, Advisor at 4EU+ Alliance, University of Heidelberg
Jean-Marie ROUSSEAU, Expert in regional policies, territorial development and international cooperation
Ingrid SHIKOVA, Professor of European Studies at the University St. Kliment Ohridski of Sofia
Mario TELO, Professor of Political Science at the Université libre de Bruxelles and LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome
General Assembly
The General Assembly consists of high-ranking personalities, politicians, academics and lecturers, all acting in favour of European unification.