CIFE  >  CIFE in Videos


Our videos

Learning and living Europe is the motto of our programmes in European Studies, international relations, energy transition and economic governance. CIFE also offers an Executive Master for professionals. Over the academic year, students study in three different cities, traveling from Nice to Berlin, Canterbury, Rome, Tunis and Istanbul.

Celebrating 70 Years of Engagement for European Education - CIFE (1954 - 2024)

Keynote Speech on the Occasion of CIFE's 70th Anniversary | Herman Van Rompuy

Debating with Jean-Claude Juncker, CIFE Honorary President

A message by Herman Van Rompuy, CIFE President

International study experiences

Discover their experience and our programmes

You can find all our videos on You Tube

Our Programmes 


MAEIS - Applied European Policy and Governance Studies

Master in Mediterranean Studies

MAEIS - Mediterranean Studies

MAEIS - European Integration & Global Studies

Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance

Joint Master in Global Economic Governance & Public Affairs


Joint Master in EU Trade & Climate Diplomacy

Executive Master in EU Studies - A Master for Professionals




Student Life and Testimonial









EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy

EU Trade and Climate Diplomacy | Carolina Seri


European Council Simulation Game on Migration and Enlargement

European Council Simulation Game on Migration and Enlargement

Graduation Ceremony for the Joint Master EUDIPLO

Graduation Ceremony for the Joint Master GEGPA

European Council Summit in Nice - a Simulation by CIFE Students

MAEIS - European Integration & Global Studies - Lowie Vueghs


Executive Master in EU Studies  Student Experiences - Luis Melero

Executive Master in EU Studies  Student Experiences - Martin Jansson

Executive Master in EU Studies  Student Experiences  Sevda Amirova

Energy Poverty and Energy Transition - Eda Bülbül

Eda Bülbül


Master in Global Energy Transition and Governance - Toby Walker

William, United Kingdom

Lorenzo, Italy

Connie, United Kingdom/Ireland

Björka, Albania

Alumni Testimonials







Professional Skills and Competences



Acquiring professional skills and competences

What is "Real-time Policy tracking"?

Susann Heinecke, Trilingual Studies

Rachel Guyet, Energy Transition





Access to Water: An Underestimated Challenge for Sustainability | Laurent Baechler

Encompassing Strategy for European Agriculture? | Jacques Le Cacheux


Navigating the Turbulent Red Sea Waters | George Tzogopoulos

Critical Metals: a Challenge for the European Energy Transition -  Gilles Lepesant

Critical Metals: a Challenge for the European Energy Transition | Gilles Lepesant

Fighting Against Climate Change: The EU as Global Actor | Marc Vanheukelen

Transparency, Integrity and Ethics within the EU | Doris Dialer

La réforme européenne du marché du carbone | Laurent Baechler


Susann Heinecke-Kuhn | Russia's War in Ukraine. A Threat to European Order and Security

'Zeitenwende'- A Shift in German Foreign Policy? | Mathias Jopp

Shifting Balances of Power: The EU's Role in the New World Order | George Tzogopoulos

Migena Pengili | PESCO and the EU Strategic Autonomy

An Outlook on the Upcoming Debt Crises | Michel-Henry Bouchet


The Economic Sanctions against Russia: Perspectives and Limits | Laurent Baechler

Just Transition: A Challenge for the EU | Eda Bülbül

L'avenir des relations Europe-Afrique | Jean-Claude Vérez

The New German Government and Franco-German Cooperation | Matthias Waechter

What can the Western Balkans do to accelerate the accession process? | Florent Marciacq

Short Programmes and Workshops



Youth Vision for A Just Transition

Negotiating in the Eastern Mediterranean gas dispute - a simulation

Les conséquences de la crise de la Covid-19 sur les politiques économiques de l’UE

Failed States and Loose Governance

Lectures Conferences and Round Tables

The Current EU Policy Agenda | Jim Cloos | Online Lecture 19 October 2022

'Heat or Eat': Energy Poverty in Europe

What is the EU's Place in the New World? | Herman Van Rompuy | Inaugural Lecture

Values Matter in Europe and in the World - Herman Van Rompuy

Building Security in Iraq - Challenges After the Election


Hydrogène et nucléaire en Europe - énergies concurrentes ou complémentaires ?





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