Executive Master in EU Studies
The Executive Master in EU Studies has been organised by CIFE since 2009.
The programme provides structured knowledge of EU fundamentals, focused on key issues for in-depth understanding and a future-oriented approach to EU integration.
Designed for professionals who want to study while pursuing their careers, our programme is a two-year academic journey that enables flexible study paths. Each year's incoming class is made up of participants from diverse nationalities and backgrounds.
The Executive Master in EU Studies offers state-of-the-art blended learning through interactive online courses, moderated fora, webinars, instructional videos, individual guidance and face-to-face workshops in multiple destinations across Europe: Berlin, Rome, Budapest, Brussels, Vienna, Barcelona and Nice. Our intensive weekend workshops bring participants and faculty together four times a year for exclusive lectures and skills training.
Read more about our Executive Master in EU Studies.

Executive Training
Our Executive Training events are collaborative and interactive courses which combine scientific expertise with hands-on learning.
The training events are aimed at professionals and civil servants, executives and postgraduate students, representatives from NGOs and international institutions working on policymaking, governance and targeting sustainable development.
Partnering with renowned private and public entities such as the Deutsche Institut für Entwicklung (DIE) and Instituto Mora, we invite prominent experts from around the world to deliver courses via online webinars tailored to specific policy and governance fields with a long term impact: Digitalisation, Sustainable Finance & Economics, Demographics, and EU & Global Geopolitics.
Each training event combines knowledge transfer with practical case-study sessions and skills sharing.
Find out more about our past and upcoming Executive Training events.